Wicked Local Plymouth / Published December 29, 2016 // By Wicked Local Plymouth Staff
PLYMOUTH – Quincy College at Plymouth welcomed therapy dogs Aoife, Elise, Capella, Clyde, Tess and Beane, along with their owners, to the Krovitz Library at 36 Cordage Park campus on Dec. 19-21 as a therapeutic stress relief to combat end-of-semester stress and holiday anxiety.
Elizabeth Do, librarian at the Krovitz Library was inspired by other academic libraries bringing therapy dogs on campus and reached out to the Scituate-based Dogs Building Opportunities for Nurturing and Emotional Support organization to organize an on-campus visit during one of the more stressful times of year on campus.
“Inspired by organizations like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their Puppy Lab, I reached out to Dog B.O.N.E.S., a local South Shore organization to bring therapy dogs to campus for several days during Finals week. It seemed like a natural fit for our campus and our students. Some of our students have therapy dogs on campus to support them during the academic semester. Extending the benefits of a visiting therapy dog to our entire campus,” Do said. “As a commuter school where the average age of our students is 28, our students often juggle multiple priorities during the holiday season, including pursuing higher education, raising families and other challenges. The therapeutic benefit of pets is well documented and I’m excited to welcome Aoife, Elise, Capella, Clyde, Tess, Beane, and their owners to campus.”
Read Full Article: http://plymouth.wickedlocal.com/news/20161229/quincy-college-hosts-therapy-dogs