Physical Therapist Assistant evening classes now enrolling in Quincy! Learn more

Military & Veteran Services


Quincy College is pleased to welcome veterans of the United States Armed Forces, active duty service members, and their loved ones to our college. We look forward to meeting your educational needs and assisting you in navigating your education benefits with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. We take pride in our ability to provide personalized assistance to all veterans and veteran dependents.

Veterans, veteran dependents, and active duty service members can use their federal education benefits here at Quincy College.

Programs we are approved to administer include:

• Post 9/11 GI Bill®
• Vocational Rehabilitation
• Montgomery GI Bill®
• Tuition Assistance
• VA Work Study

Quincy College is a great starting point for any veteran, spouse, or dependent looking to start on their educational goals. We want you to know we are here for you and support you. This support system is our way to thank you for the service and sacrifices that have been made. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions at

If you are ready to apply, click here.


Under the Veterans Benefits And Transitions Act of 2018 Section 103, any covered individual* who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill ® benefits

  • Is required to provide a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or statement of benefit prior to the first day of classes.
  • Is required to provide a written request to have their VA educational benefits certified for the semester.
  • Is required to provide any additional information necessary to properly certify enrollment by Quincy College.
  • May be responsible for additional payment to Quincy College for any costs not covered by the VA educational benefits.

Quincy College will not impose any penalty on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to Quincy College due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the VA under Chapters 31 or 33. Such penalties include the assessment of late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds.

*A covered individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under the Post 9/11 GI Bill ® (Chapter 33) and Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Chapter 31).

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government website at


Questions? Contact:

David Huynh
Military & Veteran Services Officer  |  (617) 984-1713

Getting Started

Our admissions process is streamline and simple below are the step you will want to take to get started here at Quincy College

Step 1

Apply to the college in the degree or certificate program that interests you:
Application to Quincy College

Step 2

Request copies of your High school and College transcripts to be sent to our Admissions Office. Below are the email and mailing addresses:


Mail to:
Quincy College Office of Admissions
1250 Hancock Street
Quincy, MA 02169

Step 3

Request an official Copy of your military transcripts to be sent to Quincy College. These will be reviewed by Military and Veteran Services Office

Step 4

If you are active duty and are using Federal Tuition Assistance you will first want to speak with your Education Office to ensure you are eligible to use TA and to find out the process is to apply for the use of TA at Quincy College

  • Once approved by your education office you will need to provide the Office of Military and Veteran services with a copy of the authorized TA form. Some branches have a TA portal that soldiers can use to obtain this document.
  • Any solider using the MA National Guard Tuition Waiver, Quincy College is not part of the State college/university system and we are not eligible to participate in the State Tuition Waiver program. If you are eligible for Federal Tuition Assistance through the guard, we are able to accept this form of Tuition Assistance.

Step 5

If using VA education benefits you will need to provide a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Military and Veteran Services.

  • The COE is a letter from the VA confirming you are entitled to the specific VA education benefit.
    • If you have not applied for your GI Bill®, click here.
    • If you do not have the original, you can submit a copy of the education summary page off of the Ebenefits website.

Step 6

Provide a copy of your DD214 to the Office of Military and Veteran Services, Room 325.

Military & Veteran Students Scholarships

At this time we do have an institutional scholarship for Military & Veteran students however there are some great databases that you can search for outside scholarships and grants. I may take some time to apply, but the outcome could be well worth it.

National Resource Directory

Fast Web Scholarships

College Board Scholarship  

Veterans Financial Aid

At Quincy College, there is the option to use federal financial aid along with the use of your VA education benefits. This is not a requirement to attend school. We just wanted our Veteran students to know that this is an option that is available, many veteran students who are not fully covered by their VA education benefits tend to use Federal Financial Aid to help cover the gap of where their benefits leave off.

Federal Financial Aid will not negatively impact your VA education benefits and will not be included in your overall cost of attendance when the Financial Aid department awards you the financial aid award. The Federal financial aid award can consist of federal grants and federal subsidized and unsubsidized loans. To learn more about federal financial aid, click here.

Steps to use federal financial aid:

Step 1

Create a FSA ID

Step 2

Complete FAFSA Application

Step 3

Keep an eye on your email from any communications from Quincy College financial aid office. Once the school receives the FAFSA the financial aid office may request additional documents needed for processing the application.

Step 4

Submit any requested documents to the financial aid office at Quincy College

Step 5

Once awarded your federal aid you will need to complete the Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note online through

Steps to use federal financial aid:

Quincy College processes FAFSA applications as received on a daily basis. The college’s priority deadline is May 1st annually.  To fall in line with the deadline for MA State Aid Deadline.

Processing Time frames are 4-6 weeks, however, this depends upon a student’s responsiveness in submitting additional required documentation for processing. FA packages can be completed as early as 2 weeks from when the FA application is received.

Students who have submitted the FASA but have outstanding requested documents for awarding their aid will be contacted on a weekly basis by a FA counselor via email.

What does an Award factor in?

When the federal financial aid is awarded, the award will be based on your overall cost of attendance. Below is what the average COA is for a full-time and halftime student.


Books and supplies: Annual $ 2000.00 Full-time and $1000.00-part time

Room and Board: $10,000 per Year flat built into COA, however, the campus does not own or operate a housing facility for students. ($5000.00 per semester)

Transportation Costs: $1600.00 per year and is the flat amount not based on enrollment ($800.00 per semester)

Misc. Allowances in COA: $2360.00 per year based on enrollment ($1180.00 per semester Full time) Amount is prorated if the student is enrolled in under 12 credits.

Tuition is based on the number of credits and program. On average the tuition budget for a full student with 12 credits is $3000.00 per semester.

Fees on average are $565.00 per semester for a full-time student $1130.00 per year

  • Quincy College will allow the cost of attendance budget modifications per request and accompanied by supporting documentation. We consider these professional judgements and handled on a case by case basis, the AVP of financial aid will approve or deny the request.


Financial Aid Services
(617) 984 – 1620 |

Val Rodrigues

As a child, Val Rodrigues dreamed of a career in law enforcement “to catch bad guys and help people,” she recalls. “From about 6th grade, it was all I ever wanted to do.”

After her US Army discharge she anticipated pursuing that dream, but a series of injuries she sustained as a heavy equipment construction mechanic that ended her four-year overseas deployment also left her physically unable to meet the requirements to be a police officer.

“Realizing I couldn’t be a cop, that was hard for me. I had a lot of trouble dealing with it,” Val says. “I had my veterans’ educational benefits but needed to figure out what I wanted to do with them. It took me a while.”
A job working security at a Boston hospital opened her eyes to the field of physical therapy, where she got to know members of the clinical staff and saw the job satisfaction they got from helping patients. Eventually, Val decided on a career as a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) and chose Quincy College to get her there. She’s now well on her way to completing the prerequisites she needs to enroll in our PTA program next fall.

“I’ve always felt I had to prove myself,” Val says. “In the Army, I was the only female in my platoon so I had to work extra hard. Now I’m doing it again in school. Everyone here is always trying to help me. I think this [PTA] program is one of the best around.”

Quincy College is proud to offer a welcoming, supportive environment for our military veterans to get the education they deserve in order to transition to a fulfilling civilian life. “Coming here is a good choice for any veteran looking to get back into school. It’s made me want to keep going,” Val says, envisioning completing the additional years of coursework and clinical training required to be a full-fledged physical therapist. “I know I’ll be helping people.”

John Williams

John Williams is a member of the Mass. Air National Guard. He’s also a member of Quincy College’s current class of aspiring Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs). His decision to seek his Associate’s degree in a high-demand field came after a series of Guard deployments that took him to places throughout the southeastern US as well as to the West African nation of Niger.

“I’d thought about a career in physical therapy since having PT after tearing my ACL playing high school football,” John says. “But I didn’t do it right away. I was 26 when I finally did, and when I was accepted to the PTA program at Quincy College, I got deployed overseas before I could start.”  He was able to postpone his enrollment for a year, and finally began his classes last fall.

“It’s a tough program but it’s going great.  The instructors really care about their students and their teaching style definitely helps you understand the material,” John says.  “They work clinically in addition to teaching, so they focus on evidence-based practice.  Plus, class sizes are such that we all know each other and support each other.”

Now in his final year of study, John has completed one outpatient training rotation and looks forward to his second – in the inpatient environment – in the spring. “This is all setting up my future,” he says, “giving me the knowledge I need for a career I’ll have for the rest of my life.”

As an active Guard member he’s understandably proud of his service. “It’s allowed me to travel to different places, get training, and help people. I wouldn’t have had those experiences if I hadn’t joined the Air National Guard,” John says. “On Veterans’ Day I reflect on my own service but I also think about everyone else’s and the honor that comes with it.”

Alan MacAllister

Alan MacAllister is a US military veteran, one of many who’ve chosen Quincy College to help them pursue their educational goals.

After enlisting in the Army out of high school and completing a tour of duty as a combat engineer, Alan’s transition to civilian life had, in his words, “its ups and downs. I couldn’t find the right fit professionally,” he says. Eventually, a newfound passion for getting and staying in shape led him to consider a career in fitness so, in May of this year, he enrolled in the College’s exercise science program.

“I wasn’t happy with my overall health so I’d fallen in love with the gym. I didn’t know much about colleges, but I when I started looking I saw that Quincy College was rated as ‘military friendly’ and it seemed like a place that could get me where I wanted to be.”

Quincy College is privileged to have consistently earned a designation from the organization Military Friendly® for the welcoming, supportive environment it offers active duty service members, veterans, and their families.  That recognition gave Alan added confidence in his decision.

“I was nervous starting out but so far, so good. I hadn’t been in school in eight years but college has been an easier transition than I thought,” he says, giving a special shout-out to Josie Smith, our veterans services associate for helping navigate the complex process surrounding veterans’ benefits. “All credit to her. She takes care of a lot of that so I can focus on classes.”

Alan remains a member of the Army Reserves and, once he completes his Associate’s degree, he hopes to return to active military duty and become certified as a Master Fitness Trainer, a role in which he can use his own experience and life lessons to motivate others.

“For any veteran looking for reassurance about their education, Quincy College is the place,” he says. “You’ll get what you need.”

Makayla Brennan

As Makayla Brennan prepared to graduate high school, she knew she didn’t want to go to college right away. She opted to join the US Air Force and says that her service changed her for the better.

“I’m the person I am today because of it,” she says of her role as a logistics specialist. “I’m more confident, I have pride in the choices I make and I pay so much more attention to detail.”

After her discharge, Makayla decided to take advantage of her military benefits and pursue a career in nursing. She chose Quincy College as her first step; she’s been taking her prerequisite classes since last fall and appreciates both the curriculum and the environment.

“It’s been all positive. My English class, in particular has been great,” she says. “I’ve always enjoyed poetry, reading and writing, and now I find myself reading more just for pleasure. The college is convenient for me, and there’s so much diversity here.  I like being in a place where not everyone looks like me. It’s been a 100 percent great experience.”

Quincy College is privileged to have consistently earned a designation from the organization Military Friendly® for the welcoming, supportive environment it offers active duty and former service members, veterans, and their families.  It helps make choosing a college that much easier for them.

Once she earns her nursing degree, Makayla plans to specialize in medical aesthetics and perhaps even open her own business.  In the meantime, her military service and college experience have dovetailed perfectly.

“My time in the service definitely prepared me for college and for life,” she says. “I think more about the future now than I ever did before.”


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