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Liberal Arts: English

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts Degree


The focus of the Liberal Arts Program is to provide the student with a breadth of program offerings in a chosen field of study. Liberal Arts students may focus their program in the following concentration areas: Behavioral Science, English, Government,History, Humanities, Psychology, or Social Science. All concentration electives must be selected in the chosen area of study.

Program Outcomes

At the completion of this program, the student should be able to:

  • Compose well-structured, unified and coherent expository assignments.
  • Demonstrate information literacy through research assignments.
  • Apply the principles of critical thinking to assess required readings and points of discussion.
  • Describe the social, political and philosophical contexts that inform a Liberal Arts concentration.
  • Describe the diverse cultural and behavioral influences on a Liberal Arts concentration.
  • Apply a theoretical understanding to practical problems in a Liberal Arts field (Behavioral Science, English, History/Government, Humanities, Psychology, Social Science, or Sociology).


Academic Division of Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts: English Courses
    • Code
    • Course
    • Credits
    • ENG 101
    • English Composition I
    • 3
    A required course for all students who have demonstrated acceptable writing proficiency as measured by a standard test or satisfactory completion of ENG 090. This course will emphasize developing the student’s ability to articulate his/her thoughts in writing a coherent, unified, and well- structured composition. The student will write a series of papers. The student will also learn the techniques needed to produce a library research paper. The required research paper is a major component of the course.
    • ENG 102
    • English Composition II
    • 3
    A required course, which introduces the student to themes and techniques in the basic genres of literature: the short story, drama, and poetry. Expository papers may be written in response to ideas embodied in literature. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 103
    • Non-Fiction Writing
    • 3
    This course offers practice in articulating logical thought and in writing for college courses. The focus is to help students shape and extend their thought into coherent expository essays. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 111
    • Speech Communication
    • 3
    Special attention is given to developing self-confidence and skill in oral communication by affording each student an opportunity to participate in a maximum number of speech situations. Practice situations include extemporaneous speeches, panel discussions, and evaluative listening.
    • ENG 151
    • Shakespeare
    • 3
    Introduction to the works of William Shakespeare, emphasizing the presentation of the major plays through books, stage, and film. Students will read representative comedies, tragedies, and histories and analyze these plays in either live performance or through classic film adaptations. The sonnets and lyrical romances will also be briefly addressed as part of the greater body of Shakespeare’s works. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 201
    • English Literature I
    • 3
    This survey course explores the successive controlling concepts behind English literature from the Anglo-Saxon to the Neo-Classical periods. The course seeks to acquaint the student with the techniques and transformation of the literary genres as well as with the major authors and schools of writing. Required are the reading, analysis, and appreciation of representative literary masters who have influenced subsequent literature and thought. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 202
    • English Literature II
    • 3
    This survey course explores the predominant cultural concepts underlying the literature of the England from the Pre-Romantic period to the Post-Atomic. It will examine the techniques and transformations of the literary genres in each succeeding period as well as sample the writings of representative authors. Involves the reading, analysis, and appreciation of works which have shaped modern literature and thought. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 211
    • American Literature I
    • 3
    This course is a general survey of early American Literature covering the major writers from Captain Smith through the Fireside Poets. The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to representative authors with emphasis on the major writers. Critical papers may be assigned periodically. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 212
    • American Literature II
    • 3
    This course is a general survey of the significant prose, fiction, and poetry of American writers, beginning with Whitman, and continuing with Twain, James Eliot, Hemingway, and Faulkner. Critical papers may be assigned periodically. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 221
    • World Literature I
    • 3
    This course samples great literature of the West from the Hebrew Bible and Homeric epics to Greek drama and Roman prose. The focus is on how these masterpieces have molded the Western mind and influenced all subsequent literary efforts. Works will be read in the best modern translations. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 222
    • World Literature II
    • 3
    This course reviews European literature by tracing the succession of artistic concepts from the Sacramentalism of the middle Ages to the Romanticism of the Revolutionary Age to the Existentialism of the Modern Period. The readings, in translation, represent a medley of nations, genres, and geniuses. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 224
    • Writing for Professionals
    • 3
    Students develop writing techniques and conventions peculiar to magazine writing, advertising, business, technical writing, and editorializing. Ads, technical articles, reports, abstracts, manuals, and documentation will be practiced.
    • ENG 225
    • Creative Writing I
    • 3
    This course will focus on the experience of writing as a creative activity with emphasis on the methods of writing imaginative prose and poetry. Fictional techniques, such as the methods of narration and descriptive style, will be discusses. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 226
    • Creative Writing II
    • 3
    A continuation of the writing of serious, artful fiction, poetry, or drama. Classroom consideration of craft. Individual discussion of the student’s work. Prerequisites: ENG 101, ENG 225.
    • ENG 230
    • Journalism
    • 3
    This course explores the role of journalism in a free democratic society to help students develop their skills in journalistic writing. Students learn to structure and edit various types of stories, explore types of reporting, the differences between reportage and editorializing, the ethical issues journalists face daily, and the legal implications of a free press. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • ENG 231
    • Modern Novel
    • 3
    This course examines the development of the modern novel in the twentieth century, and traces the social and personal values reflected in them. Additionally, the course will examine such themes as the rites of passage, the role of the individual within society, the role of nature, and the perception of women and minorities. A number of novels will be read for enjoyment and analysis. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 233
    • Crime and Detective Fiction
    • 3
    This course examines various types of suspense literature from the 19th century to the present, including mystery, detective novel, crime, and the mystery adventure novel. Topics to be examined during the semester: basic narrative formulas and structures; significance of the forms; detectives as focus for social values; significance and typical themes of detective and crime fiction; and the changing nature of the genre. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 235
    • Survey of Women Writers
    • 3
    This course will attempt to stimulate reading and discussion of the female experience as reflected in such authors as Woolf, Parker, McCullers, McCarthy, Oates, Plath, Lessing, and others. This women’s studies course will stress content rather than style. The novels and stories read by the class will deal with such topics as growing up and old as a female, relationships with men, freedom, madness, motherhood, romantic love, creativity, passivity, and marriage. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 237
    • Introduction to Science Fiction
    • 3
    This course surveys Science Fiction from the foundational classics of Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs to the modern masterpieces that continue to influence contemporary literature, films and computer gaming. Readings will include works from the Golden Age of Science Fiction, the New Wave of the 1960s and the contemporary Cyberpunk and Slipstream movements that are shaping Science Fiction writing today. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • ENG 238
    • Literature of the Supernatural
    • 3
    This course examines the literature of the supernatural as a fundamental mode of literary understanding and as an inspiration for the works of great authors. Gothic tales, ghost stories, supernatural events, odd coincidences, and unexplainable phenomena are often the beginning of an imaginative approach to both life and literature. Students will encounter a wide range of literary examples, from stories and poetry drawn from the traditions of European and American romanticism and gothic tales to more modern modes of literary expressionism, surrealism, paranormal romance, and horror. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • ENG 251
    • Introduction to Drama
    • 3
    This course provides an introduction to the craft and art of drama, including a close study of technique and subject, and selected plays. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • ENG 297
    • Independent Study
    • 3
    The student works in a supervised placement for a minimum of 90 hours over the course of semester as a write of news, broadcast, advertising, business or technical writing. A term paper is submitted to the coordinator and the student’s work is assessed on a weekly basis. Prerequisite: ENG 102.

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