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[post_date] => 2018-02-05 11:57:38
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-02-05 16:57:38
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[post_title] => Engineers Week | Quincy Campus
[post_excerpt] => International Engineers Week | Quincy College is hosting daily events that will explore the variety of engineering pathways, engineering careers, and highlight Quincy College’s Engineering Technology Program, and its new Natural Science: Engineering Program. 2/20-2/23/18 | Quincy Campus
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[date_start_date] => February 20, 2018
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In celebration of International Engineers Week, Quincy College is hosting daily events that will explore the variety of engineering pathways, engineering careers, and highlight Quincy College’s Engineering Technology Program, and its new Natural Science: Engineering Program.
All events held in Saville Hall, Room 100 located at 24 Saville Avenue, Quincy MA.
Exploring Engineering Pathways
Tuesday, February 20th | 3:30 pm
Featuring Quincy College Faculty and Staff:
- Richard Bramante, Instructor of Engineering Technology
- Zung Nguyen, Mission Support and Technology Associate
- James Peters, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- Deborah Stockbridge, Professor of Computer Science
- Jeffrey Wetter, Assistant Professor of Physics
Why Engineers get the fun jobs? Blockchain, AI, IoT, Machine Learning
Wednesday, February 21st | 2:00 pm
Featuring Guest Speakers:
- Manuel Barroso, Executive Partner, Global Integration Executive Consultant
- Positive Business Consulting Services
The Flexibility and Independence of a STEM Career
Thursday, February 22nd | 2:00 pm
Featuring Guest Speakers:
- Linda Graf, OA Validation Manager, Manufacturing Systems
- Wyeth/Pfizer
Engineering Technology Lab Tour with Faculty Demonstrations
Friday, February 23rd | 3:30pm
Practical, hands-on Engineering Technology demonstrations including Nao humanoid robot, Roomba robots, Optics and the property of lenses bending laser beams, and 3D printing, electronic circuits, and test equipment.
Learn more about all of Quincy College’s Pathways to Technology Professions here: https://quincycollege.edu/tech/
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[post_excerpt] => Quincy College is a unique learning environment where cultures meet, join forces, and weave a global context around college academics.
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Engineers Week | Quincy Campus
February 20, 2018 - February 23, 2018
In celebration of International Engineers Week, Quincy College is hosting daily events that will explore the variety of engineering pathways, engineering careers, and highlight Quincy College’s Engineering Technology Program, and its new Natural Science: Engineering Program.
All events held in Saville Hall, Room 100 located at 24 Saville Avenue, Quincy MA.
Exploring Engineering Pathways
Tuesday, February 20th | 3:30 pm
Featuring Quincy College Faculty and Staff:
- Richard Bramante, Instructor of Engineering Technology
- Zung Nguyen, Mission Support and Technology Associate
- James Peters, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- Deborah Stockbridge, Professor of Computer Science
- Jeffrey Wetter, Assistant Professor of Physics
Why Engineers get the fun jobs? Blockchain, AI, IoT, Machine Learning
Wednesday, February 21st | 2:00 pm
Featuring Guest Speakers:
- Manuel Barroso, Executive Partner, Global Integration Executive Consultant
- Positive Business Consulting Services
The Flexibility and Independence of a STEM Career
Thursday, February 22nd | 2:00 pm
Featuring Guest Speakers:
- Linda Graf, OA Validation Manager, Manufacturing Systems
- Wyeth/Pfizer
Engineering Technology Lab Tour with Faculty Demonstrations
Friday, February 23rd | 3:30pm
Practical, hands-on Engineering Technology demonstrations including Nao humanoid robot, Roomba robots, Optics and the property of lenses bending laser beams, and 3D printing, electronic circuits, and test equipment.
Learn more about all of Quincy College’s Pathways to Technology Professions here: https://quincycollege.edu/tech/