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[post_date] => 2022-10-03 14:22:19
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-10-03 18:22:19
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[date_start_date] => October 12, 2022
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Fall Transfer Fair
- Visit with Admissions reps from 20+ four-year schools
- Look out for schools that we have articulation/transfer agreements with
When? – Wednesday Oct 12, 2022, 11am to 2pm
Where? – Student Lounge/Library (Quincy Campus)
Questions? – Contact Hope Becker, Transfer Advisor
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Fall Transfer Fair
Transfer Fair

Fall Transfer Fair
- Visit with Admissions reps from 20+ four-year schools
- Look out for schools that we have articulation/transfer agreements with
When? – Wednesday Oct 12, 2022, 11am to 2pm
Where? – Student Lounge/Library (Quincy Campus)
Questions? – Contact Hope Becker, Transfer Advisor