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[post_date] => 2018-08-14 10:50:16
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-08-14 14:50:16
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[post_title] => Quincy August Moon Festival
[post_excerpt] => Join Quincy Colleges Sunday, 8/19/18 for the Quincy August Moon Festival, hosted by Quincy Asian Resources, Inc (QARI).
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[date_start_date] => August 19, 2018
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Sunday, August 19, 2018
Coddington St., Downtown Quincy
Stop by the Quincy College table at the Quincy August Moon Festival, hosted by Quincy Asian Resources, Inc (QARI).
The Quincy August Moon Festival is a family friendly, community event filled with vendors, food trucks, games, activities for children, and performances.
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[post_title] => Areas of Study
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College is a unique learning environment where cultures meet, join forces, and weave a global context around college academics.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-02-09 20:40:26
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => International Student Services
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College, a Boston area institution, welcomes international students from all over the world, and provides an International Student Services Office committed to helping you earn your degree.
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[post_excerpt] => It's easy to get involved at Quincy College. Opportunities to engage in your passions and interests can be found throughout the College.
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Quincy August Moon Festival
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Coddington St., Downtown Quincy
Stop by the Quincy College table at the Quincy August Moon Festival, hosted by Quincy Asian Resources, Inc (QARI).
The Quincy August Moon Festival is a family friendly, community event filled with vendors, food trucks, games, activities for children, and performances.