I. Policy
In accordance with Massachusetts Workers Compensation (WC) Act, M.G.L. Ch. 152,Quincy College provides Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage for employees who sustain an occupational illness or injury arising out of and in the course of employment. In accordance with the M.G.L. and the guidelines set forth by the City of Quincy, all such employee injuries must be reported regardless of severity or loss of time from work. The WC Insurance coverage provides payment for any necessary medical treatment related to the workplace injury, including payment for partial compensation for lost wages after the first five (5) days of disability if reports and documentation are filed in accordance with regulations and timeframes outlined here within and in accordance with the regulating state and local guidelines.
This Notice to Employees details Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage for Quincy College employees. Coverage becomes effective at the time an employee starts work and is provided by City-Wide Insurance Group through Quincy College, a Department of the City of Quincy. The entire cost is paid by Quincy College. Medical expenses resulting from occupational illness or injury are reimbursable under Workers Compensation rather than the employee's medical insurance plan, provided the procedures and required time frames for reporting and documenting workplace incidents as outlined in this policy and as regulated by the College's insurance carrier. The information contained here within shall serves as"Notice to Employees" in accordance with applicable M.G.L 152.
II. Procedures
A. Reporting Requirements:
All employees who are injured while on duty must notify their immediate supervisor and are strongly encouraged to seek immediate medical attention.
- The reporting employee or manager must complete a Quincy College Incident Report immediately.
- The original Incident Report must be submitted immediately, on the day the incident occurs, to Human Resources and a copy shall be provided to Campus
- Human Resources must determine if an Employer's First Report of Injury or Fatality - Form 101 needs to be completed. In most cases of work-related injuries or illnesses, the supervising manager will be required to submit the Form 101 on the same day the incident has occurred and per direction of Human Resources
- Human Resources must submit the Form 101 to the City Solicitors Office within 24-hours of the employee's accident or injury, or from the date in which the employer is made aware of the
The College is required to comply with strict time limits in reporting industrial accidents. If an employee does not notify the College of the injury with in 24 hours of the injury, the College is then required to submit the Form 101 within (7) days (not including Sundays or legal holidays) from the date upon which the College received notification from the employee to complete and submit the Form 101. Therefore, all work-related injuries must be reported promptly. Consult Human Resources for further details. The Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) has revised the required Form 101. The only acceptable version is dated August 2001. No other forms will be accepted.
B. Notice of Intent to Return:
Upon request, an employee must submit a Notice of Intent to Return Form to Human Resources. An employee may not return to work, in his/her regular capacity, or in a modified or light duty capacity, without valid written medical certification authorization.
Original: June 2006
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