All professional and hourly staff members of the College are employees of the city of Quincy and are subject to the rules and regulations as they pertain to both Quincy College and City employees, and as they apply to colleges under the Board of Higher Education. Unit-employees shall be subject to all rights, privileges, and guidelines as detailed in current collective bargaining agreement and must comply with the state, federal, local laws and College policies. If a College policy conflicts with a current collective bargaining agreement, the current collective bargaining agreement will usually take precedence.
Appointments, contracts and letters of hire to all positions are approved by the President as authorized by the Board and upon the recommendation of the senior department manager. No offers of employment or appointments are valid except those approved by the President or the President’s designee. As appointed by the President, the Director of Human Resources, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Administration are authorized to confirm offers of employment with the President’s final approval.
Original: June 2006