Quincy College is dedicated to promoting a professional work environment and expects its employees to operate in a manner consistent with the suggestions, guidelines and policies here within. In the event that a supervisor or manager needs to address employee conduct he/she shall consider the following procedures and contact Human Resources for further guidance. The procedures outlined here within are not mandatory and any step may be eliminated on the basis of and determination of the severity of the employee misconduct or infraction.
Step 1. Verbal Warning:
An initial verbal warning may be given verbally to the employee by his/her supervisor. The supervisor shall specify problem area(s), state expectations for improvement, and confirm the employee's understanding of what is expected. The supervisor shall keep a written record of the conversation in his/her own management files. This written documentation shall become part of the employee's personnel record if the discipline process moves forward to the next step. There may be instances where the supervisor omits the verbal warning and proceeds directly to a written warning.
Step 2. Written Warning:
After consultation with Human Resources, a written warning may be issued to the employee by his/her supervisor and shall become part of the employee's personnel record. The written warning shall specify the problem area(s), state expectations for immediate and sustained improvement, and shall be signed by the supervisor and countersigned by the employee. The warning period can be extended at the discretion of the supervisor and in consultation with the senior service Director and the Director of Human Resources.
Step 3. Discharge:
No employee shall be transferred or promoted during a warning period, unless senior divisional manager and/or the President determine it to be in the best interest of the College, students and the employee.
The President may designate an executive team member to compose or authorize formal written separation notices; however, the President is the only authority to authorize a separation and shall provide written approval of all personnel action in accordance with M.G.L.Chapter 71.
Unit employees will be managed in a manner consistent with current collective bargaining agreements. Quincy College reserves the right to terminate an employee for good cause. Employees terminated during the Introductory or Probationary Period shall not be subject to the provisions of Policy 10.23 Grievance provisions here within unless otherwise stated in a current collective bargaining agreement
Original: June 2006