It is expected that resignations will be mutually agreed upon and conducted in a manner consistent with College policy and current collective bargaining agreements and will not disrupt  the operations of the College or the provision of quality services to our students.


An employee who wishes to resign or retire from his/her position shall address a letter of resignation to the President of the College and submit the letter to his/her immediate supervisor who shall then forward the letter to Human Resources. It is expected that an employee shall submit letter of resignation at least 2-weeks prior to the effective date of resignation. It is requested that managerial employees and teaching staff provide 4-weeks written notification out of professional courtesy. All Unit employees must submit resignations in accordance with current  collective bargaining agreements.

Under no circumstances, unless otherwise stated in a current collective bargaining agreement, shall vacation or personal time be used within  the two weeks prior to an effective date of resignation. Final Paychecks will not be direct deposited. Please consult with Human Resources  regarding the details of compensation and benefits upon effective date of resignation.

In the event that an employee is terminated for cause or misconduct such termination is subject to  the provisions of College policy, local guidelines and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

Supervising managers shall consult Human Resources in the event that corrective disciplinary  action is determined to be an appropriate course of action.

Individuals employed under grant funds are subject to the above provisions and cannot continue to be employed when the funding for the grant ceases.

Original: June 2006