1. Policy: Safety in science laboratory courses is something that Quincy College takes very seriously, as science laboratory courses present a host of chemical and biological hazards not found in the typical classroom. Paramount to safety in laboratory courses is the use of proper attire each time a student attends class. For the purposes of this policy, a “science laboratory course” is defined as any course that meets in the one of the Saville Hall, Plymouth campus, or Healthcare and Science Career Institute labs.
It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to ensure that the student is dressed in proper attire, which includes closed-toed shoes, long pants or a long skirt, and shirts or blouses that do not allow excessive exposure of the skin. Students will not be admitted to the lab with open toe or backless shoes. Examples of improper attire include, but are not limited to:
      1. Shorts
      2. Short skirts or short dresses (above knee height)
      3. Sandals
      4. Open-toed or backless shoes
      5. Rubber clogs with holes (ex: Crocs™)
      6. Loose or baggy clothing
      7. Loose neckties
      8. Shirts or blouses that allow midriff or chest exposure
      9. Low-hanging jewelry such as long necklaces or long earrings
  1. Procedures: If a student attends a science laboratory course without wearing proper attire, the student will be asked to leave and may only return when the student has changed into proper attire. At the instructor’s discretion and per the guidelines set forth in the syllabus, a violation of this policy may carry an academic penalty not to exceed the penalty for missing one class
    • In addition to the aforementioned Quincy College lab safety rules for all on-campus Course labs accomplished on the premises of both Quincy College campuses, students are required to read, understand, and accept all affiliated QC vendors’ at home lab kit’s safety precautions, safety procedures, and safety guidelines when using those vendors’ lab kits both on campus and at home, Students have a responsibility to read these at home lab kits’ safety instructions and to follow their safety requirements without
  2. Other: Students enrolled in select programs including Medical Laboratory Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Phlebotomy, and Surgical Technology should refer to their Program Handbook for guidelines regarding proper attire in the science laboratory
Original: September 2011 Updated: August 2020; July 2023 Updated for Gender Inclusivity: Spring 2023 Updated to Include Institute: August 2023