PLA credits may be awarded for already acquired college- level learning in a variety of non-traditional settings. Credits are not awarded simply for experience but for the learning obtained from the experience. This learning is judged to be equivalent to what would be gained through Quincy College course work. All credit earned must be approved by the PLA Review Committee. As part of the consideration for these credits, faculty will evaluate and map learning outcomes and achievement in alignment with New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) accreditation requirements. This opportunity applies only to specific courses in QC’s Bachelor of Science programs. PLA credits should be considered and discussed as part of a student’s transfer credits at the time of enrollment. Interested students should contact their career and academic advisor for more information. To cover administrative and evaluation costs, students are charged a non-refundable Portfolio Evaluation Fee of $250 per course as part of the PLA application. If the course is approved, a transcription fee of $100 per accepted credit will be charged. Eligibility Requirement Students must:
  • Be admitted or enrolled as a third-year student (60 or more earned credits) as part of a Bachelor of Science degree program.
  • Be in good academic standing (Cannot be on probation and must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0)
  • Provide a resume that demonstrates the type of experience appropriate for academic college-level credit assessment to be evaluated as part of the portfolio.
How to Apply Students interested in applying for PLA credits should take the following steps:
  • Prepare a resume of relevant experience and meet with the Dean of Liberal Arts and Professional Programs to identify the courses for which PLA credit might be earned based on your experience.
  • Obtain from the Dean the relevant course outline(s) and the document “Information and Instructions Regarding applying for PLA credits”.
  • Submit the Portfolio Evaluation Fee of $250 along with your application, resume, portfolio, and other required documents to the Enrollment Office.
  • If your portfolio is determined to be satisfactory, you will be informed.
  • A transcription fee of $100 per credit must be paid for the approved PLA credits to appear on your transcript.
  • If your portfolio is determined not to be satisfactory, you will be informed of the denial, and you may meet with the Dean to identify omissions or issues with your portfolio presentation.
Maximum Credits Students can transfer up to 90 credits to Quincy College for a bachelor’s degree program. A maximum of 12 of these credits may be earned through the PLA portfolio review process. Original: January 2006 Updated: July 2023