As required by Public Law 101-542, the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act as amended by Public Law 102-26, the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, Quincy College maintains the following campus security policy:
- Reporting criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on
- a. All criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus must be reported to the Security Office, even if they are resolved through other
- b. All criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on camps must be reported to the Security Office in writing via the Quincy College Incident Report Form, even if first reported
- c. A representative of the Security Office will report all serious criminal activity to the President and to the police
- Security and access to campus
- a. Students are required to carry their Quincy College identification card at all times while on Students must produce their ID cards when so asked by a college official.
- b. Only students, faculty and staff and those with legitimate business with Quincy College are permitted on campus. Others will be asked to leave and, if they refuse, law enforcement officials will be
- c. No solicitation is allowed on campus.
- d. Buildings will be opened to students and faculty not more than 45 minutes before the first class of the day and will be locked not more than 45 minutes after the last class of the
- e. Science laboratories, computer laboratories, libraries, and typing rooms and supply rooms will be locked at all times when not in use
- f. Science laboratories, computer laboratories, libraries, and typing rooms and supply rooms are not open to students unless there is a teacher or lab monitor present.
- g. Parking lots may only be used by those with current college parking Other vehicles will be ticketed or towed as per the parking policy. Visitors may park in the designated spaces next to the Alumni Hall.
- The Quincy College security force works closely with the Quincy Police Department as needed. It is the College’s policy to report all serious crimes to the Quincy Police Department and to cooperate in the prosecution of those involved regardless of their student status. The Security Office is located in the Student Lounge of Presidents Place.
- Quincy College will sponsor workshops each year to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. The College will also schedule workshops designed to inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes. These workshops may be presented in conjunction with the Quincy Police
- The Office of Security will maintain statistics concerning the occurrence on campus during the most recent calendar year, and during the two preceding calendar years, of the following criminal offenses reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies:
- a. Murder
- b. Rape
- c. Robbery
- d. Aggravated assault
- e. Burglary
- f. Motor vehicle theft
- g. Harassment
- The Office of Security will maintain statistics concerning the occurrence on campus during the most recent calendar year of arrest for the following crimes occurring on campus:
- a. liquor law violations
- b. drug abuse violations
- c. weapons violations
- Quincy College publishes in the Policies and Procedures Manual, its policy regarding the possession, use and sale of alcoholic beverages and enforcement of state underage drinking laws as well as its policy regarding the possession, sale and use of illegal drugs and enforcement of federal and state drug laws. Also found there is a description of the drug and alcohol abuse education programs offered by the
- Crime statistics for Quincy College will be published and distributed and Quincy College will make timely reports to the campus community to aid in the prevention of crime.
- The Office of Security will maintain statistics concerning the occurrence on campus during the most recent calendar year of arrest for the following crimes occurring on campus:
Original: October 1999
Revised: November 2005
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