I. Policy

A purchase requisition must be completed for all purchases, approved by the department head and then approved by the VP of Finance.

II. Definitions

Ordering goods or services without an approved purchase order is done at the risk of incurring personal expense, violation of this Policy, possible disciplinary action, and possible legal action under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30B, section 17 for a fine not to exceed $2,000.00 for  each violation and double damages sustained by the College as a result of the violation.

III. Procedure

The requisition, when processed, will generate a purchase order, which constitutes the actual order for goods or services.  For purchases less than $10,000.00, sound business practice is required at your own discretion.  When a purchase is between $10,000 - $50,000, you must obtain quotes from at least 3 different vendors to secure the lowest price, or you may use a State Contracted Vendor.  These vendors can be found on the commbuys website, www.commbuys.com  A College Contract will also be sent to this vendor by the College’s Purchasing Department.  For Purchases of $50,000 or more, this must be put out to public bid or use a state contract vendor.  Do not seek a public bid without first consulting both your supervisor and the Purchasing Department.

Purchases will not be approved by the Vice President’s Office unless the proper procedures are followed.

Original: October 1999

Revised: September 2021