Quincy College assumes responsibility for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects at risk in all research activities. The College is guided by ethical principles as outlined in “Belmont Report” of September 30, 1978, agrees to abide by regulations as detailed under “Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46” and declares that these regulations apply to all research with human subjects, regardless of the funding source. The College will apply for Federal wide assurance if applicable, with the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protection (OHRP). The assurance details the policies for the protection of human subjects and includes the duties and procedures of the institutional  review board. The College will have an educational institutional review board to see that research at Quincy College follows proper procedures with no fewer than five members. This will satisfy the compositional requirements for membership as described in 45 CFR 46. Chaired by the V.P. Academics or his/her nominee, the board will have at least two faculty members from different fields, three nominees from the President (two of whom are outside nominees appointed by the President), and one non-faculty member appointed by V.P. Academics. The decision will be by simple majority. If the proposal is coming  from one member of the IRB, the member must refrain from voting. The term of each board member will be for three years.


  1. Quincy College is committed to academic research and the freedom to do this. However, in undertaking research care must be taken to protect the privacy of the individuals and research methodology must minimize risks and avoid harming
  2. The researcher should not withhold any information the subject requests, about any aspect of the research likely to be significant to the subjects or induce subjects to participate by means that might affect the subject’s ability to decide
  3. Researchers must promise and maintain confidentiality and should inform subjects about their limits or capacity to adhere to confidentiality
  4. The researcher should explain to subjects, the purpose of the research. Special care should be taken because the subjects sometimes cannot understand the risks. Subjects must be in a position to freely refuse their participation.
  5. The Office of Institutional Research will provide administrative and logistic support for the activity of IRB.
  6. The Committee will review submitted research plans and approve, disapprove, or state conditions for the conduct of the research applying principles and procedures outlined in the policy and in applicable federal regulations.
  7. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to supervise student research in their courses and
  8. All research documents and data will be maintained for three

Procedures for Proposals:

  1. The IRB will meet once a month, as needed during the fall and spring semester. Meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month, with meeting locations alternating between Saville Hall and Newport
  2. Applications for review must be received at least 15 working days prior to the meeting date in order to be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting. Applications for review will be distributed to IRB members at least 5 working days prior to the meeting
  3. In basic review, the following questions should be answered:
    1. Is the proposed research design scientifically sound to ensure that it does not unnecessarily expose subjects to risk?
    2. Are adequate procedures in place to ensure privacy and confidentiality?
    3. Has informed consent been sought and documented?
    4. Does the IRB approve of the consent form?
    5. Have the risks to subjects been minimized?
    6. Are the risks reasonable as compared to anticipated benefits?
    7.  Is the selection of subjects equitable?
    8.  Are safeguards in place to protect vulnerable populations?
    9. If the research is funded from an outside source, are the protocols consistent with the grant application?
  4. IRB decision will be promptly communicated to researchers in writing within 15 working days.
  5. Copies of all applications and approvals as well as annual reviews will be maintained in the Office of Institutional Research. Quincy College accepts research proposals from students and faculty from outside institutions. However, all proposals must be reviewed by the Quincy College IRB. Additional considerations for research submitted by outside sources include:
    1. Any risks or benefits to Quincy College as an institution for participating in the research;
    2. Whether IRB approval has been granted from the home institution, if applicable;
    3. The workload required from Quincy College employees to implement the protocol;
    4. Concurrent surveys, data requests or course evaluations that are being administered to students;
    5. Whether there is a Quincy College employee designated as a co-Investigator; and
    6. Plans for distributing study results to Quincy College and/or our students.


If applicable, Human Subject Assurance Training is to be done by the Institutional Officer, any  researcher and the IRB chair. http://ohrp-ed.od.nih.gov/cbts/assurance             Original: June 2006