Quincy Sun // November 1, 2018 // By Quincy Sun Staff
Quincy College is taking a leadership role in regional conversations surrounding substance use and the opioid crisis by hosting an open to the public forum and community services resource fair on their Quincy Center campus.
On Thursday, November 8th at 12:15pm, Quincy College’s Student Success Office will host the Substance Use Disorder Forum in the Student Lounge at the Quincy Campus (1250 Hancock Street, Quincy). This event is free and open to the public; media is welcome to attend.
Community organizations will be hosting tables and sharing resources from 11:00 am-2:00 pm
Many issues surrounding drug and alcohol abuse will be discussed. A diverse forum of speakers touching upon various aspects of addiction will lead the discussion including representatives from the Mayor’s Office City of Quincy. The forum will be moderated by Lori Earl, Student Success Coach at Quincy College and will feature the following panelists:
Laura Martin
Substance Use Prevention Coordinator, City of Quincy
Father James Hawker
Board of Governors at Quincy College
Gavin Foundation
Massachusetts community groups will be on hand to provide information on support services including Bay State Community Services, Column Health, Devine Recovery Center, Gavin Foundation, Impact Quincy, the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery, Quincy Family Resource Center, Northeast Addictions Treatment Center, The Sun Will Rise Foundation, Volunteers of America, and others.
In addition to the forum, several individuals, some of whom are Quincy College students will share their personal, touching stories of recovery.
” Quincy College understands the importance of working to reduce the stigma around the issues of substance use disorders so that individuals struggling with addiction and their loved ones feel more comfortable speaking up and reaching out for support. We recognize the impact of communities connecting with each other to build solutions, and we are pleased to highlight vital resources and support available on the South Shore for the Quincy College community and the community at large,” Lori Earl, Student Success Coach at Quincy College and the 2018 Substance Use Disorder Forum moderator.
For event information, please visit:
For on-campus student services including Quincy College Student Success Coaching, please visit: https://quincycollege.edu/student-services/student-success-coaching/.