Quincy College Honors its Student-Veteran Population
By Dylan McGuinness
Posted Nov. 9, 2015 at 6:56 PM
Updated Nov 9, 2015 at 7:07 PM
Quincy College took time on Monday to celebrate its students who served in the military and their families. The school held a luncheon from noon to 3 p.m., serving its veteran students a free lunch.
The annual event was organized by the school’s military and veterans specialist Chris Breton. The position was created by college President Peter Tsaffaras in 2011.
Breton, a veteran and recent graduate of Quincy College, said he’s able to relate to the veterans trying to navigate the college process.
“You know, they’re trying to transition back into this ‘civilian life,’” Breton said. “And it’s a lot. You’re juggling a lot.”
Breton’s office helps veterans with applications for admission and student aid and completing the GI Bill applications. They coordinate with 187 students at Quincy College.
Susan Bossa, the associate vice president of student development, said Breton’s work is especially evident in the success of veterans at Quincy College.
“It’s that moment in a veteran’s life where they say, ‘What am I going to do next?’” Bossa said. “And Chris gets that.”
The military office at the school is made up of Breton and Dawn Mackiewicz, who is working with Essaylamba.com on a dissertation about veteran education and retention. She helps fulfill Breton’s duties at the Plymouth campus.
But the annual luncheon is just about recognition.
“They’re a real value to everyone on campus,” Tsaffaras said. “They take their studies very seriously and they’re just an asset to have around.”
The college planned to hold another luncheon for veterans today at its Plymouth campus.
The two events, in addition to the school’s annual observance ceremony of Memorial Day, show appreciation for its large veteran population.
“It’s just a way for the school to say thank you,” Tsaffaras said.
Dylan McGuinness may be reached at dmcguinness@ledger.com.