The Quincy Sun// Published November 9, 2017 / By Quincy Sun Staff
Mark Bertman of Quincy , longtime proprietor of Rogers Jewelry in Quincy Center and community activist, was recently presented the 2017 Quintessential Award by the Quincy College Trust, at an event held in the Tirrell Room, Quincy Lodge of Elks.
The trust is a non-profit foundation established to recieve charitable donations, scholarship, and endowment funds in support of Quincy College and its mission to provide an affordable and accessible post-secondary education to its students. The award is presented to an indivual who is Quintessential which by definition is an invidual who embodies or possesses the essence of something.
Mr. Bertman is a past member of the Quincy College Board of Governors, the first President of the Quincy College Trust, and the proprietor of Rogers Jewelers in Quincy Center.
In addition to the award, the trust announced the creation of the Mark Bertman Scholarship Fund. Proceeds from the event were used to establish the Mark Bertman Scholarship Fund, as well as support academic and student life intiatives.
Contributions are being accepted for the Mark Bertman Scholarship Fund. Mail donations (payable to Mark Bertman Scholarship Fund) to Quincy College Trust, 1250 Hancock Street, 7th Floor, Quincy MA 02169 (memo: Mark Bertman Scholarship). For more information, call Tina Cahill 617-405-5942
Image Caption:
Mart Bertman of Quincy, longtime proprietor of Rogers Jewelry in Quincy Center and community activist was recently presented the 2017 Quintessential Award by the Quincy College Trust at an event held in the Tirrell Room, Quincy Lodge of Elks. Looking on (from left) in the photo (from left) Isobel Bertman, Mark’s wife, and members of the Quincy College Trust: Janet Batson, Frank Byrne, Servet Yatin, Gail Samaha, and Gary Wallrapp. Photo Courtesy of Quincy College.